“Your mind struggles only when you oppose it.” Unknown
What we are learning about the brain is growing in leaps and bounds. With scientific advancements we can map which parts of the brain are used for tasks and learn about the affects our thoughts have on our body and spirit. Scientists can use functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to determine how the brain functions. This technology has taught us much about the brain and how to use it in a healthy way.
One of the most important things we have learned is that whatever we fight again tends to become stronger. This happens for a variety of reasons which include but are not limited to feeding a concept energy no matter how odious it is to us through opposition often leads to a thought becoming stronger and our mind not processing many negative words such as no, not and don’t.
Try this experiment. Avoid thinking about popcorn for the next two minutes. Don’t think about what it smells like at the movie theater, what the butter and salt taste like, or how expensive it can be. Resist the urge to think about it in any way. At the end of two minutes you can think about it as much as you like.
So how did you do? Most people have a hard time doing this. They find themselves having to think about popcorn intermittently even if it is just to reaffirm that they are not thinking about popcorn with phrase saying “I’m not thinking about popcorn” which is thinking about popcorn. This feeds the concept of popcorn in your mind’s eye. Those who are successful tend to feel a sense of relief at the time being up. This same theory is in action when you try not to think about work, an argument you had last week, or a stressful life condition.
Second the brain does not hear, for lack of a better word, negative words. So, when you say, “I will not smoke” your brain hears “I will smoke.” This is important because it means we need to use our self talk wisely to avoid creating situations inside of us that are the opposite of what we want.
JOURNAL PROMPTS: Today’s prompt is different than the others. It is an experiment. Let me know what you think.
1. The next time you find yourself having a difficult time with a thought write about what is going on in your head. Then give yourself permission to have this go on and move on with the rest of your day.
2. An hour or so later return to the writing and note how you feel and/or your ability to resist the urge to be drawn into battle with your mind
3. List several short statements you can use to remind you to give up the fight against your mind in the future. Examples are I am thinking ______ but it does not have to take over, thank you mind for having that thought, and I will make space for this thought without the need to act on it.
It is your mind’s job to think. I would encourage you to be grateful for it doing its job. If this concept seems like agreeing with whatever you are thinking it is not. This is a way to take your power back from that thought by not giving it any extra attention. If you find yourself resisting this concept what a great time to complete the experiment above.