Dr. Shyra Jones | Give Life To Your Purpose.

Journal Exercise: Weekly Self Reflection

Dear Reader,

Taking time to learn about how you are doing can seem simple and necessary yet many of us do not know where to start.  Please find the following handout as a guide to developing a practice to help you become aware of what is going on inside and outside of yourself.  Personalize this handout to suit your needs and preferences.


Section 1: Self-Reflection

Recently I have found myself feeling:

Hungry:  Yes/No

Share more (use this space to describe your experience including what you have done about it):

Angry:  Yes/No

Share more (use this space to describe your experience including what you have done about it):

Lonely: Yes/No

Share more (use this space to describe your experience including what you have done about it):

Tired: Yes/No

Share more (use this space to describe your experience including what you have done about it):

Section 2: Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions

Helpful thoughts have been:

Unhelpful thoughts have been:

Helpful emotions have been:

Unhelpful emotions have been:

Helpful actions have been:

Unhelpful actions have been:

Section 3: Setting Intentions

For the next  _____days I am going to focus on_____ because _____

Future Reflection:  I am going to check back in with myself within the next _____ days and see how things have changed.  Check back in and reflect using the space below.

After reading this journal entry:

I am feeling (emotions):

I am thinking (thoughts):

I have done (actions):

I plan to do (future actions):