“The mirror of a man’s heart is his actions.” Anonymous
Yesterday we discussed mistakes and how they could be used to point out things we need to learn. Accomplishments can do the same thing. Achievements are not simply a job well done; but, also the culmination of actions repeated, plans actualized, and decisions you followed through through to completion.
Sometimes it can be just as difficult to reflect upon accomplishments as it was to reflect upon mistakes. Maybe we do not think what was completed is worthy enough to be celebrated, you do not own the accomplishment, and/or if others knew you had that ability you would have to act more responsibly in the future. Of course, the list could be extended. Effective self-reflection should be balanced and taken accounts of the good you have done and how you feel about them noted.
1. List three major accompishments.
2. What obstacles did you have to overcome to make them occur?
If you cannot come up with at least three accomplishments you may want to journal about this. When I assign this to clients I usually ask for two accomplishments for each year of life