Dr. Shyra Jones | Give Life To Your Purpose.

Day 29 of Self-Reflection: Without Comparison

“There is no royal road to the summit…Every struggle is a victory.” Helen Keller

Sometimes we can become wrapped up in how we are doing in comparison to others. As we strive to overcome obstacles we can get down on ourselves noting how poorly we are doing. As we compare ourselves to how we think others might or might not act we devalue the efforts we are making.

When we compare the progress, we are making to how we think others might do things we send ourselves the message that we are not good enough. After sending this message to ourselves enough we begin to believe it.

I must remind myself that victory is victory. There are no extra points for style and sometimes I just need to get it done.

1. What are some of the ways you compare yourself to others?
2. Are you willing to be less of who you are in order to be like the perception you hold of another person?

The summit is just as beautiful whether you get there by running, walking, or crawling. If you find yourself often criticizing yourself for not being this or that take a moment to breathe in gratitude for who you are. The world is better because you are in it take your place without guilt or shame for your process.