“I am not afraid of storms for I know how to sail my ship.” Louisa May Alcott
We are guaranteed storms as part of living right. This does not mean we have to succumb to them. We do not necessarily have to enjoy them either; but, it is easier to weather them when there is a sense of serenity present in our hearts because of self-belief born from self-knowledge.
The presence or absence of faith during a storm is related to how we feel about making it through the storm without undergoing major permanent negative changes. Realizing that we can go through difficult times with integrity is part of growing to trust oneself. When a person does not have faith in his or her ability to survive the way one functions decreases. Instead of responding one reacts which can lead to mistakes that serve to undermine out self-belief.
Yesterday we spoke about having the ability to learn from difficult times instead of being crushed by them. I encouraged you to reflect on how an adversity which has been a catalyst of self-doubt has helped you to grow. Now I am asking you to reflect on the topic of using those same strengths to help yourself make it through future adversities.
1. List 10 different strengths you gained from working through a difficult time or adversity.
2. How can you use each of these strengths to make it through future adversities?
If you a have difficult time identifying 10 strengths, ask five people to give you three strengths they believe you to have. Make a list of all the responses you receive. Cross out any duplicates. Use this list to complete journal prompt two. For those of you who can list 10 strengths you may enjoy asking five people about the strengths they see in you. Be sure to give them three strengths you see in them. This can be a very enriching exercise for you and those you complete it with.